Tak kalah menariknya di Dieng terdapat makanan khas yang tidak di temukan di daerah lain di Indonesia,seperti buah Carica yang di olah menjadi manisan,cripik Carica,dodol Carica dll ,dan tumbuhan Purwaceng yang di bikin menjadi obat Herbal,bisa meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan obat kuat bagi Pria maupun Wanita,dan masih banyak lagi tentang apa yang ada di wisata Dieng.
Kami melayani paket wisata Dieng agar mempermudah Anda menjangkau lokasi lokasi wisata di Dieng,dan Anda juga tidak hanya berlibur ke wisata nya saja tapi kami juga akan memberikan informasi informasi tentang Sejarah dan Mitos yang ada di Dieng.
Dieng's history is the history of the most frequently studied students and students in Indonesia on tourist history, often carried for study tour to Dieng tourism, history of Dieng very interesting and a lot of, for example about the history of Dieng Temple, history of Dieng own, a history or legend Sikidang crater, the history or legend of color lake and mirror lake in it there is the myth of the cave myth Semar, Sumur cave,pengantin cave, Jaran cave, writing stone, but it is also the most in the question of the existence of the saggy hair children,
No less interesting in Dieng there the typical foods that are not found in other parts of Indonesia, such as that made from the fruit Carica into sweets,carica crispy, carica lunkhead., and plants purwaceng that make into herbal medicine, can increase endurance and strong medicine for men and women, and much more about what's in Dieng tourism.
Our tour packages for Dieng to facilitate you reach the location of tourist object in Dieng plateau, and you also are not only on vacation to tourist object but we also will provide information about the history and myths of that is in Dieng Plateau.
Dieng's history is the history of the most frequently studied students and students in Indonesia on tourist history, often carried for study tour to Dieng tourism, history of Dieng very interesting and a lot of, for example about the history of Dieng Temple, history of Dieng own, a history or legend Sikidang crater, the history or legend of color lake and mirror lake in it there is the myth of the cave myth Semar, Sumur cave,pengantin cave, Jaran cave, writing stone, but it is also the most in the question of the existence of the saggy hair children,
No less interesting in Dieng there the typical foods that are not found in other parts of Indonesia, such as that made from the fruit Carica into sweets,carica crispy, carica lunkhead., and plants purwaceng that make into herbal medicine, can increase endurance and strong medicine for men and women, and much more about what's in Dieng tourism.
Our tour packages for Dieng to facilitate you reach the location of tourist object in Dieng plateau, and you also are not only on vacation to tourist object but we also will provide information about the history and myths of that is in Dieng Plateau.